Friday, October 30, 2009

For the Love of Ambient

Brilliant, crazy ads again and again! This time, I choose ambient.

Just a few ads from the past that I got from the world wide web.

WWF advocates the love for Mother Nature through a very smart device.

Say goodbye to cellulite with Nivea.

The built-in censor turns on the light every time a man passes by.

Kids won't missed brushing their pearly whites after devouring on sweets.

Looks really real. Now I'm craving for one.

The picture can tell the wit of this ad!

Amazing. Five-star. Very clever. I wish I can make an ad that's more striking than this!

If the product can really do this good, then thumbs up to this ad!

Mcdo never fails to cheer me up with their great ads.

Nota bene: The creativity, concept, execution and all-in-all composition of these ads were owned by the people and ad agency who worked on this ad. Pardon if I didn't include the names of people who did this. Thank you!

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